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Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Hey All!!! :)  I think most of us used to play dress up and romp around as Indians and cowboys or stick a few feathers in our hair and pretend to be pocahontas (never mind the lack of feathers in her costume) it was quite fun to take a trod on the "wild side" even back then. So its no surprise that the trend has been flying high in the streets and really everywhere for that matter.. Spunking up outfits and lending an edge to sum simple treeses... I for one LUVz it :P

Feather mania

CYRENdipity earrings

CYRENdipity Necklace

Young Jamaican designer Cyrena Forbes hand-crafts beautiful customized jewellery as seen featured above. I've gotten a couple pieces from her, and its so much fun to work with or see the craft of a designer who has a healthy appetite for the unique, and an obsession with details!! check out her FB page from the link below the pics :D

Beaded T-shirt: DIY tutorial


 DIYing folks :)

Chocolate Butterflys!!!

Hello wonderful people!!! so im browsing for some new Yummys to make this weekend  and I come across an Absolute GEM of an idea on this blog : http://everything-old-crafts.blogspot.com in the tutorial section where the very witty Em posted a super easy to follow tutorial for making Chocolate butterfly's!!  you can find the tutorial HERE.


I have a few ingredients id like to add to my set: in addition to melting dark chocolate i'll pick up some white chocolate while im at it and add some food colouring to the mix so i can have some colourful butterflies with edible glitter .. Yumm.. cant wait to start!!!! I'll be sure to post the pics  :D